Sunday, June 26, 2011

Meet my TUMORS!!!!

This is the tumor that I am getting chemotherapy for. It is located on my corpus callorum and Drs. are saying that even a biopsy would be dangerous for me. The chemo I was on didn't work, so now I will go on a different chemo and we will recheck this tumor in 3 months.
Drs say this tumor was barely seen in August 2010. Then in March 2011, it was about the size of an M&M....then i was rescanned in June 2011 and it has almost doubled!!! Even while I was spending all that time doing chemo!

This is another tumor called a Aucustic Neuroma. Drs are worried about this one, but not as much as the other one. For this tumor I just get hearing checks every 3 months. So far so good.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that your tumor is bigger! That just plain sucks! Hopefully this new chemo will work.

    Keep that positive attitude! You're doing great! :)

  2. Hi Bailey
    my name is Jenna and I came across your site. U are an amazing, courageous, strong and determined fighter. U are a brave warrior, inspirational hero and a smilen champ. My bestfriend Jeneece has NF, and I she is an amazing fighter, and battler just like you. Her NF is bad but she is still a smilen hero. I was born with a rare life thhreatening disease, and have cafe ole spots. I have lots of them. I love it when people sign my geustbook.

  3. Life is so uncertain and you do not know what next...I am so sorry to hear and see the tumors here...but be on constant check and consult the best doctors who can make your life easier than it is.

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